The MRON Media Mission

What we do:

We help creatives realize their full potential.

We offer a range of highly motivated, experienced, qualified managers to more specifically look out for your interests, creative and financial

Networking events:
Meet other people from your creative genre, as well as outside of it, and prospective long-term clients

Creative workshops:
Creative talent from different genres meet, and just feed off of the creative energy.
Any projects started are owned by MRON MEDIA, with the creative talent being prioritized to see it through to completion

Intense brainstorming sessions:
These prepare chosen individuals to work on projects as a team
Are used for high priority projects

Creative retreats:
Upon hitting certain criteria, and being selected, individuals will be sent on a creative retreat; part vacation, part cultural exploration, and part developmental device.

MRON Media periodically holds auditions to fill out its creative staff;
Auditions will be tailored to the specific genre to ascertain likelihood of a match of the talent and the need

Showcase auditions:
High profile, high priority client companies and agencies will attend
Gives talent opportunity to save time, energy, and mileage, while auditioning for several prospects at the same time
Allows talent to build a portfolio of auditions, covering a range of displays of talent (actors in funny, dramatic, or angry roles, for instance)

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Aenean dolor risus, lobortis non cursus nec, molestie nec dui. Nunc fermentum, sapien vitae pharetra vulputate, dolor eros eleifend massa, ac laoreet erat justo a lorem.


What we do

Donec a euismod eros, nec porttitor sapien. Proin aliquam et tortor et elementum. Aenean ac fringilla nulla, sed pulvinar arcu. Phasellus lacinia vehicula luctus.



Aenean ac fringilla nulla, sed pulvinar arcu. Phasellus lacinia vehicula luctus.Donec a euismod eros, nec porttitor sapien. Proin aliquam et tortor et elementum.
Nam malesuada iaculis lectus sit amet auctor. Vivamus risus massa, gravida in arcu vitae, semper auctor enim. Nam imperdiet ipsum sagittis nisi varius vestibulum. Vestibulum laoreet odio quis nulla vulputate mattis. Proin a sapien quis urna ornare maximus a at sapien. Nam pellentesque magna at augue blandit, in eleifend nulla vehicula. Proin maximus porta varius. Nam vitae neque ut quam egestas pharetra a sed erat.
Duis sit amet nisi ut enim pharetra bibendum ac sed est. Vestibulum tincidunt et mi placerat posuere. Vivamus et risus sit amet quam dignissim vulputate. Maecenas id venenatis felis, at accumsan orci. Maecenas consequat purus ultricies nisi eleifend tincidunt. Sed egestas, sapien a pellentesque euismod, odio nibh dignissim nulla, euismod lacinia arcu turpis gravida tortor. Donec tempor enim ut sollicitudin pulvinar. Nulla sit amet blandit lectus.
Sed non luctus neque, id fringilla diam. Fusce vitae convallis dolor. Mauris ut erat tincidunt, vulputate ipsum in, malesuada libero. Aliquam mattis euismod odio, quis dignissim libero auctor id. Donec dictum lectus a dui mollis cursus. Morbi hendrerit, eros et dapibus volutpat, magna eros feugiat massa, ut dapibus velit ante a nunc. Donec a euismod eros, nec porttitor sapien.